CodeFury 4.0

Start Date: Oct. 2, 2021

Start Time: 9 a.m.

Organizer(s): IEEE UVCE Computer Society

Will be held at(/in): Online


CodeFury is IEEE UVCE Computer Society's Annual National Level Hackathon. Our vision is to conduct Hackathons every year to help solve some of the major problems faced by society and the industry, thus ensuring a massive impact on the world.

Participants can sit in the comfort of their home and develop solutions to real-world problems by developing either a Web Application or an Android Application within 24 hours. Brace yourselves for one of the best events you've experienced so far. Mark your calendars on 2nd and 3rd October 2021 as we will be conducting CodeFury 4.0 on these days. Get a chance to compete against peers across the country and receive cash prizes too!

Event Link