Structure The Clues

Start Date: Dec. 6, 2020

Start Time: 5 p.m.

Organizer(s): IEEE UVCE

Will be held at(/in): Zoom Meeting


Structure The Clues is a virtual treasure hunt exclusively for Civil Engineering enthusiasts and for everyone waiting eagerly to be a part of the IEEE UVCE family, this is the opportunity because the IEEE membership benefits will be explained in this event.

Team size: 2-4


1st place:
Anupama J Achar, Harshith H M, Chiranth H R, Meghana G S (3rd Sem, Civil)

2nd place:
Navya S, Chaitra K, Harshavardhan T, Chidananda B N (3rd Sem, Civil)

3rd place:
Tejashwini K V, Tejashwini Yadav P (3rd Sem, Civil)

Event Link